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By: <presImageByline>Kaneberg, Ove
Copyright: <presImageCopyright> Statens museer för världskultur
License: <mediaLicense> Licens
Type of object <itemType> Object
Date <presTimeLabel> Probably Achaemenid 6-5th Cent. BC.
Place <presPlaceLabel> Asien, Iran, Turkiet
Description <itemDescription>
  • Four mountain goats, (Ibex) stand in pairs on their hindlegs resting against a stylized tree. The tree-top is in the form of a palmette. The branches end in stylized flowers. This is a frequently occuring motif in the Ancient Near East. The tree could be an image of the tree of life, a symbol of nature and eternal life. Rampent goats occure as motifs in Minoan Crete as well as in other parts of th... Visa hela
Inventory number <itemDescription>
Condition <itemDescription>
Exhibitions <itemDescription>
Utställning / ingår i <itemDescription>
Country / Findspot <itemDescription>
Country / Findspot <itemDescription>
Exhibition, Part of / Current <itemDescription>
  • Cypern genom tiderna - Showcase 10:12.
Event <context>
  • Brukad Probably Achaemenid 6-5th Cent. BC..
  • Funnen i Iran, Turkiet, Asien.
Material, engelska<itemMaterial>
Keywords <itemKeyWord>
  • Cyprus Gallery, 2009-
  • Probably Achaemenid 6-5th Cent. BC.
  • Samlingsbesök. 2023-11-23. OR Media
Subject <subject>
  • Cultural history
Inventory number <itemNumber>
Metadata rights <itemLicense> Licens
Source <presOrganization> Statens museer för världskultur - Medelhavsmuseet
Link to source <url>

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