Figurine, Skulptur [?], Figur


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Upphovsman: <presImageByline>Kaneberg, Ove
Upphovsrätt: <presImageCopyright> Statens museer för världskultur
Licens: <mediaLicense> Licens
Typ <itemType> Objekt/föremål
Datering <presTimeLabel> C.A. I-II. (700-475 BC)
Plats <presPlaceLabel> Europa, Cypern, Ajia Irini
Description <itemDescription>
  • Statuette with tubular, wheelmade body. Bulging breast. Sloping shoulders. Thin arms; left arm vertical, right arm bent over breast holding small goblet with circular objects. No marked fingers. Concave neck, oval head, bent backwards. Rounded beard. Incised mouth. Prominent nose with indicated nostrils. Leaf-shaped eyes with heavy lids, arched eyebrow line. Sloping forehead. Conical helmet with t... Visa hela
Inventory number <itemDescription>
Acquisition <itemDescription>
Comments <itemDescription>
  • Type 4, period 4.
    Otydlig märkning. Märkes om!
    Needs support.

Condition <itemDescription>
  • Part of helmet missing. Parts mended and restored. Colour faded. Salt crystals on chest!
Conservation / Executed <itemDescription>
Dimensions <itemDescription>
Exhibitions <itemDescription>
  • Travelling exhibition 2005-2007.
Publications <itemDescription>
  • - Karageorghis et al., 2003, no. 202.
    - SCE II, 729, pl CCXXXVIII:6.
    - Karageorghis, V,The Coroplastic Art of Ancient Cyprus. III. The Cypro-Archaic period. Large and Medium Size Sculpture, Nicosia 19...

    Visa hela
Context <itemDescription>
  • Sanctuary. K-L 6. 94.1.
Utställning / ingår i <itemDescription>
Exhibition / Previously <itemDescription>
  • SCE On Tour, 2005-2007
Country / Findspot <itemDescription>
Exhibition, Part of / Current <itemDescription>
  • Exhibition; showcase 10:08:02.
Description, Swedish <itemDescription>
  • Staty, terrakotta Ajia Irini
Geographic name, alternative <itemDescription>
Geographic name, alternative <itemDescription>
Referens, publicerad i <itemDescription>
  • Gjerstad, Einar (red.) (1935). The Swedish Cyprus expedition: finds and results of the excavation in Cyprus 1927-1931. Vol. 2
Referens, publicerad i <itemDescription>
  • Törnkvist, Sylvia (1972) "Arms, Armour and Dress of the Terracotta Sculpture from Ajia Irini, Cyprus" in Medelhavsmuseet Bulletin no 6 (1972) p. 7-55.
Händelse <context>
  • Brukad C.A. I-II. (700-475 BC).
  • Funnen i Ajia Irini, Cypern, Europa.
Material, engelska<itemMaterial>
Nyckelord <itemKeyWord>
  • C.A. I-II. (700-475 BC)
  • Ceramics
  • Cyprus Gallery, 2009-
  • Male
  • Svenska Cypernexpeditionen
  • Swedish Cyprus Expedition (1927-1931)
  • Swedish Cyprus Expedition On Tour
Mått <itemMeasurement>
  • Height / Höjd: 57,2 cm.
Object, Swedish<itemName>
Skulptur [?]
Ämne <subject>
  • Kulturhistoria
Inventory number <itemNumber>
Rättigheter för metadata <itemLicense> Licens
Källa <presOrganization> Statens museer för världskultur - Medelhavsmuseet
Källa <url>

Teknisk data