Type of object <itemType> |
Object |
Date <presTimeLabel> |
Orientalising-Archaic (Etruscan) |
Place <presPlaceLabel> |
Europa, Italien, Vulci |
Description <itemDescription> |
Rounded, horizontal rim; wide, almost cylindrical neck; rounded body; raised, splayed handle from rim to upper body; torus base. Bucchero with greyish black surface, fair sheen. Plastic disc protomes on each side of handle on rim; incised zigzag pattern on rim top; two grooves encircling neck; two grooves encircling lower body.
Inventory number <itemDescription> |
Acquisition <itemDescription> |
Comments <itemDescription> |
Urval Galleriet. Äldre bilder A. Stalteri.
Condition <itemDescription> |
Dimensions <itemDescription> |
Period, Swedish <itemDescription> |
Period, Swedish <itemDescription> |
Publications <itemDescription> |
Context <itemDescription> |
Pottery Ware <itemDescription> |
Utställning / ingår i <itemDescription> |
Country / Findspot <itemDescription> |
Exhibition, Part of / Current <itemDescription> |
Acquisition, Swedish <itemDescription> |
Event <context> |
Förvärvad av Gustaf VI Adolf.
Brukad Orientalising-Archaic (Etruscan).
Funnen i Vulci, Italien, Europa.
Material, engelska<itemMaterial> |
- Pottery
- Clay
- Earthenware
Material<itemMaterial> |
- Keramik
Keywords <itemKeyWord> |
Bernadotte, Gustaf Adolf
Gustav VI
H M Konung Gustaf Adolf
H.K.H. Kronprins Gustaf Adolf
Orientalising-Archaic (Etruscan)
Measurements <itemMeasurement> |
Diameter: 9,7 cm.
Diameter: 5,7 cm.
Object, Swedish<itemName> |
- Kanna
- Kärl
Object<itemName> |
- Jug
Subject <subject> |
Inventory number <itemNumber> |
Metadata rights <itemLicense> |
Source <presOrganization> |
Statens museer för världskultur - Medelhavsmuseet |
Link to source <url>