Study Gallery, Studiegalleriet


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By: <presImageByline>Kaneberg, Ove
Copyright: <presImageCopyright> Statens museer för världskultur
License: <mediaLicense> Licens
Type of object <itemType> Display
Date <presTimeLabel> 2009-02
Place <presPlaceLabel> Medelhavsmuseet, Stockholm
Description <itemDescription>
  • Upstairs, in interaction with the Baghdad Cafe, opened in February 2009, the upper gallery. A rich variety of objects retrieved from the museum's storerooms, many of them shown for the first time. A series of booths filled to the brim with beautiful vases functions as a traditional study collection of ancient ceramics. Other booths highlights the thematic elements of the ancient world: the subject... Visa hela
Type of exhibition <itemDescription>
Event <context>
  • Tillverkad av Helander, Fredrik.
  • Tillverkades 2009-02 - i Medelhavsmuseet, Stockholm.
Keywords <itemKeyWord>
  • basutställning
Name of Exhibition, Swedish<itemName>
Study Gallery
Title, Swedish<itemName>
Subject <subject>
  • Cultural history
Diary number <itemNumber>
Metadata rights <itemLicense> Licens
Source <presOrganization> Statens museer för världskultur - Medelhavsmuseet
Link to source <url>

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