Type of object <itemType> |
Object |
Date <presTimeLabel> |
Second Intermediate Period, 12th Dynasty (1991-1569 BC), Middle Kingdom |
Place <presPlaceLabel> |
Afrika, Egypten |
Description <itemDescription> |
Scarab, crudely worked. Head and clypeus only slightly raised above the body. Incisions marking the prothorax and the elytra. Threading hole running lengthwise through the piece, in which a thin metal rod is placed. The underside has incised s-shaped spirals.
Inventory number <itemDescription> |
Acquisition <itemDescription> |
Comments <itemDescription> |
Search for additional pictures. Äldre bilder Cecila Hennix, 1997.
Condition <itemDescription> |
Dimensions <itemDescription> |
Cf Publications <itemDescription> |
Hornung, E., & Staehelin, E., Skarabäen und andere Siegelamulette aus Basler Sammlungen, Ägyptische Denkmäler in der Schweiz Bd. 1, Basel 1976, 166. No exact parallel
Period, Swedish <itemDescription> |
Publications <itemDescription> |
Wångstedt, S.V., Ägyptische Siegelamulette, MedMusB 2 (1962), 18-31, no 47
Country / Findspot <itemDescription> |
Acquisition, Swedish <itemDescription> |
Referens, publicerad i <itemDescription> |
Event <context> |
Förvärvad av Clarholm, Per, Clarholm, Mrs.
Brukad Second Intermediate Period, 12th Dynasty (1991-1569 BC), Middle Kingdom.
Funnen i Egypten, Afrika.
Material, engelska<itemMaterial> |
- Steatite
- Stone
- Steatite, brownish yellow with traces of turquoise glaze
Material<itemMaterial> |
- Sten
- Steatit, brun-gul med spår av turkos glasering
- Steatit
Keywords <itemKeyWord> |
Second Intermediate Period, 12th Dynasty (1991-1569 BC), Middle Kingdom
Measurements <itemMeasurement> |
Length / Längd: 1,8 cm.
Thickness / Tjocklek: 0,7 cm.
Width / Bredd: 1,2 cm.
Object, Swedish<itemName> |
- Skarabé
- Amulett
Object<itemName> |
- Scarab
Subject <subject> |
Inventory number <itemNumber> |
Alternative id <itemNumber> |
Metadata rights <itemLicense> |
Source <presOrganization> |
Statens museer för världskultur - Medelhavsmuseet |
Link to source <url>