The Alliance World Fellowship (Christian and Missionary Alliance, C&MA, CMA)


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Typ <itemType> Organisation
Beskrivning / engelska <itemDescription>
  • The Alliance World Fellowship or Christian and Missionary Alliance (The Alliance, also C&MA and CMA) is an international evangelical Protestant Christian denomination within the Higher Life movement of Christianity, teaching a modified form of Keswickian theology. The headquarters is in Reynoldsburg, Ohio, United States.
Händelse <context>
  • Verkade i USA, Kongo-Kinshasa.
Visat namn<itemName>
The Alliance World Fellowship (Christian and Missionary Alliance, C&MA, CMA)
Ämne <subject>
  • Kulturhistoria
Libris-id / samma som <itemNumber>
Rättigheter för metadata <itemLicense> Licens
Källa <presOrganization> Statens museer för världskultur - Etnografiska museet
Källa <url>

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