This hammer is used to form the Wrought iron into bars.
Sound cycle
Sound 1: The hammer is lifted with an iron cog mounted on the water wheel axel.
Sound 2: On top of the lift the hammer is pushed down again fast when hitting the return log.
Sound 3: Hammer hit the iron on the anvil.
The word "wrought" is an archaic past participle of the verb "to work," and so "wrought iron" literally means "worked iron". The trip hammer is powered by a overshot water wheel.
The Lancashire forge in Olofsfors Iron Works, Västerbotten, is from 1870s. The Lancashire hearth was used to fine pig iron, removing carbon to produce wrought iron.
In the end of the recording you can hear a different sound because the blacksmith is shaping a strait bar and the iron is a bit cold.
Average sound level 97-100 dB
Soumd level peaks at 107 dB
Sound recordist: Torsten Nilsson
Photographer: Torsten Nilsson
Video recordist: Torsten Nilsson