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The Goddess of the Many Names, Gudinnan med de många namnen


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Typ <itemType> Utställning
Antika mysterier, text eng <itemDescription>
  • From at least the fifth century BCE onwards, Greek writers showed an interest in Egypt. Herodotus devoted one of the nine books of his history entirely to Egypt and was particularly interested in Egyptian religion, which he considered the source of Greek religious understanding. He identified Isis with Demeter and her husband and brother Osiris with Dionysus. The earliest evidence for the cult of ... Visa hela
Antika mysterier, text sv <itemDescription>
The Goddess of the Many Names
Title, Swedish<itemName>
Gudinnan med de många namnen
Ämne <subject>
  • Kulturhistoria
Exhibition, showcase <itemNumber>
Egypt, Number in Exhibition <itemNumber>
Rättigheter för metadata <itemLicense> Licens
Källa <presOrganization> Statens museer för världskultur - Medelhavsmuseet
Källa <url>

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