National Gallery of Modern Art, Lagos


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Typ <itemType> Organisation
Beskrivning / engelska <itemDescription>
  • The National Gallery of Modern Art, Lagos (NGMA) is a major art gallery in Lagos, the largest city of Nigeria. It is a permanent exhibition of the National Gallery of Art, a parastatal of the Federal Ministry of Tourism, Culture and National Orientation. The gallery is located within the National Arts Theatre, at Entrance B.
    The National Gallery of Modern Art is located on two floors below the hug...

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Händelse <context>
  • Verkade i Lagos, Nigeria.
Visat namn<itemName>
National Gallery of Modern Art, Lagos
Ämne <subject>
  • Kulturhistoria
Libris-id / samma som <itemNumber>
Rättigheter för metadata <itemLicense> Licens
Källa <presOrganization> Statens museer för världskultur - Etnografiska museet
Källa <url>

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